An axle shaft is a device that rotates with the wheels of a car, transmitting torque to the different wheels of the car equally. By transmitting the rotational power from the vehicle’s transmission and differential to the wheels, the axle shaft makes it possible for the vehicle to be able to move forward.
The axle shaft in some vehicles also serves the purpose of maintaining the correct position of the wheels in relation to each other. In doing this, the axle shaft also ensures that the wheels are properly aligned in relation to the body of the car as well. In modern vehicles such as Volkswagen models, the suspension system is sophisticated enough to ensure that the proper wheel-to-body alignment can still be attained in relation to the load in the car. In such cases, the axle shaft makes it possible for the vehicle to easily maneuver different kinds of roads without the power output of the car getting lowered.
Keeping in mind that Volkswagen vehicle models are produced with German engineering in mind, it is understandable that many owners almost always never anticipate the axle shaft in their vehicles to develop faults. These owners usually end up with a rude shock since when the axle shaft malfunctions and renders their vehicles impossible to drive.
Due to the functions that the axle shaft performs in the vehicle, it is highly likely that over time it will start to fail. This is mainly because of the strain under which it is constantly under. This will cause it to wear out faster. This excessive wear, though regular after a couple of hundred thousand miles, can be hastened by certain conditions. Some of these conditions include poor lubrication at the point at which it connects to the wheels. This connection is made possible by the CV joint which is covered by a rubber boot.
While the rubber boot is made out of fortified material, it is still susceptible to different heat changes that occur when driving the car as well as environmental factors. All of these can dry out the rubber, causing it to become brittle and develop cracks. These cracks will in turn render the car’s axle shaft damaged and unable to deliver its functions.
Another cause of axle shaft malfunction is constant rough driving on poor-quality roads. This kind of driving will take a toll on any vehicle component. However, the axle shaft is already under strain and may become damaged more easily than others.
Some of the most common signs that point to axle shaft problems in a Volkswagen include:
These vibrations are usually as a result of the interruption of the rotational balance of the axle shaft that is caused by a fault in the CV joint. This fault makes the axle shaft to become loose as it tries to keep up with its task. The vibrations will likely be more pronounced when driving at higher speeds.
When engaging turns in a Volkswagen with a damaged axle shaft, you are likely to hear loud noises that sound like clicks. This noise is also as a result of a worn boot that has become loose causing the start clicking. The clicking also becomes more pronounced when accelerating.
A malfunctioning axle shaft will have a grave impact on your driving experience. Axle shaft repairs in Volkswagen are pretty common, and in the event that you notice any signs of malfunction, your next course of action should be to consult a certified mechanic. This will ensure that your car gets the appropriate repairs in terms of quality and excellent service as well.
At Autobahn Automotive, we understand that you need your car in good working condition to enjoy hassle-free rides. We have been in the vehicle repair and service business for a long time and have catered to the needs of many Volkswagen drivers in San Antonio and Longhorn, TX. We are available round the clock with a qualified team of technicians ready to solve your car troubles as soon as you call us and schedule an appointment.